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Below is an example of the map, in this case the full map. In both the full map and base map, how the map looks will be dependant on your map settings. Colours can and will merge if more than 1 setting is detected in a system.
In the full map, Portals will be represented by an image in the bottom right hand corner of a system with the colour of your choice but only if "Your Portals" are a setting you have chosen.
If you or one of your empire members has either Agents or Exploration Ships travelling to a system, their respective images will appear on the Left of the system.
All home systems will be represented by a house and unlike this example, will be around the edge of the map rather than centrally.
Any Artefacts you have found will display on the system it is contained in.

We have 2 options to display Systems we have studied, either through Scouted Planets or Sensed Planets. Both will show a ring around the system. For Scouted systems to show up you will need full knowledge of that system and to have them selected in your map settings. This can be done by either attaining all planets through exploration or attacking, or using Observe Planet or Survey System. Sensed Systems will show if you or an Empire member has successfully used Sense Artefact in the area.
Position Image When
Top Left You or an Empire member have sent an Exploration Ship to explore a planet within the system.
Top Left You or an Empire member have sent an Exploration Ship hovering (waiting) to a planet within the system.
Bottom Left You or an Empire member have sent Agents to Observe a planet or planets within the system.
Bottom Left You or an Empire member have sent Ghost Ships to Survey the system.
Bottom Right You have a Portal in this system, note your choice of colour will be displayed behind the image.
Bottom Right You have a Portal Under Construction in this system.
Top Right Info Some Artefacts will affect a system or systems, they will display in the top Right of a System.

Speed can be very important for moving around a map, below is a list of Races and which Systems they would be Instant (travel immediately) to from the Portal shown.

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