Bomber Fighter Transport Carrier Soldier Droid Goliath Psychic Agent Ghost Ship Exploration ship




>>Base cost<<
1600 Energy, 90 Minerals, 45 Ectrolium

>>Construction Time<<
12 standard weeks

12 Energy per standard week

12 points

>>Battle Stats<<
AA: 70    AD: 600    GA: 70    GD: 600

>>Tech Requirement<<

When attacking: 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages
When defending:
1st, 2nd stages

Cruiser is the ultimate piece of fighting equipment in your arsenal. Plated with 60cm Neutronium armor it's the only ship in your arsenal that is equipped with ultra-long range disruptor cannons which are effective up to 500 kilometers and can rip anything to shreds. The best thing against a cruiser is a cruiser, nothing else wields power sufficient enough to take on a cruiser by itself, though fighters can deal serious damage if they heavily outnumber cruisers. Cruisers are used in the first 3 stages of combat. In the first stage they engage the enemy cruisers at long range with their disruptor cannons. In the second stage cruisers take on whatever remains of enemy cruisers as well as engaging enemy fighters with their AAA beam cannons. In the third stage they maneuver into the orbit of the planet to drop their deadly mines on fortifications below, but by doing this they expose themselves to long range Hellfire missiles from enemy Goliaths.

AA: Attack against enemy air units
AD: Defense from enemy air units
GA: Attack against enemy Goliaths
GD: Defense from enemy anti-air ground units