Hall of Fame
Round # 20
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Mos'le Harmless 269 164038266 Aggaw's dog #17 Jackos 0
Cells 210 22739075 Empire #15 Jackos 0
Rot 132 2330193231 Empire #1 Foohons 26
"Mountain Dew" 130 48361048 Empire #13 Jackos 0
Snpl 130 118269049 Empire #16 Jackos 0
GODSwagga 62 31496386 Empire #18 Jackos 0
Unded Bizarro Skratch 58 19407843 Mee Jist Luv Dis Episoad... #8 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2637 Empire #0 Jackos 0
dogy 1 2761 Empire #3 Harks 0
Round # 19
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Cells 495 135550710474 Tired #14 Jackos 27
Snpl 274 520031668 Empire #5 Jackos 0
Haw'y Maguiya 200 815057858 Empire #12 Jackos 0
"Mountain Dew" 140 128053199 Empire #13 Jackos 0
Rot 81 185090859 Empire #19 Jackos 0
Unded Bizarro Skratch 50 71097459 Marpy #6 Jackos 0
{OMG}GODSwagga 33 2194447 ORG #1 Jackos 0
Admin 2 3634 Empire #0 Jackos 0
dogy 1 26572 Empire #11 Manticarias 0
Round # 18
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rotkeil 155 271901147 Empire #16 Dreamweavers 26
Cells 119 29277677 Empire #7 Jackos 0
Swagga 88 7700129 Empire #13 Jackos 0
Skratch 65 11292094 Storge #4 Jackos 0
dogy 36 7245883 Empire #15 Wookiees 0
Blink 1-Eto'o 26 519867 Empire #2 Jackos 0
"Mountain Dew" 18 594796 Empire #3 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2563 Empire #0 Jackos 0
Round # 17
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
dogy 311 777715518 Empire #3 Spacebornes 25
Cells 138 32154376 Empire #7 Jackos 0
Skratch 105 26011476 Empire #10 #9 Jackos 0
Scouty13 99 11355376 Empire #16 Spacebornes 0
BLKPanther 76 5747902 Empire #18 Jackos 0
Random Hero 69 12542956 Empire #14 #13 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2572 Empire #0 Jackos 0
Round # 16
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Random Hero 297 353428249 Empire #3 Foohons 25
Unded Bizarro Skratch 184 35625757 Dis Impyre No Existe #8 Jackos 0
Utch D 147 20401064 Empire #10 Wookiees 0
Cells 92 38155584 Empire #16 Jackos 0
Swagga 61 10151783 Empire #1 Jackos 0
Gibby 60 295567 Empire #9 Harks 0
Emperor of Raidiance 44 1299734 Empire #13 Jackos 0
dogy 12 4223680 Empire #18 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2989 Empire #0 Jackos 0
Round # 15
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Random Hero 169 139385172 Empire #3 Jackos 20
Cells 115 57964324 Empire #16 Jackos 0
Skratch 96 40198635 Mr Dead should've been a horse #13 Jackos 0
Swagga 85 7663155 The Truth #1 Jackos 0
Rotkeil 32 130864904 Empire #11 Wookiees 4
Empire of Radiance 1 1250 Empire #9 Jackos 0
Elgian B 1 1250 Empire #15 Harks 0
Admin 1 2921 Empire #0 Jackos 0
Round # 14
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Random Hero 124 69675144 The great Gadsby #3 Jackos 0
Cells 117 44867064 Empire #15 Jackos 0
Rot 108 373765547 Empire #2 Jackos 24
Skratch 106 49072630 Jack-jack? #19 Jackos 0
Swagga 98 35333631 Pimp's Gold Rule #13 Jackos 0
Snpl 63 34346939 Empire #11 Jackos 0
Administrator 1 2761 Empire #0 Harks 0
Round # 13
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Cells 230 335604251 Empire #13 Jackos 24
Skratch 170 78647461 Schmick-Schnark #17 Jackos 0
p3n1s 154 53816097 Orbit Schmorbrit #18 Manticarias 0
Random Hero 82 131876968 OrBit Fanclub #3 Jackos 0
Rot 78 1577135971 Empire #11 Jackos 0
Swagga 60 20710228 Empire #1 Jackos 0
Oliver Cream-well 1 59523 Empire #8 Jackos 0
Admin 1 4533 Empire #0 Foohons 0
Round # 12
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Random Hero 174 79248470 Empire #3 Jackos 0
Cells 167 115515824 Empire #1 Jackos 24
Swagga 108 29918591 Empire #13 Jackos 0
Snpl 75 29717291 Empire #15 Jackos 0
Rotkeil 57 493472827 Empire #17 Jackos 0
Unded Bizarro Skratch 55 11427547 Empire #4 Dreamweavers 0
soul 24 1036003 Empire #6 Jackos 0
Gert WIlders 20 1936739 Empire #7 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2761 Empire #0 Harks 0
Round # 11
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rotkeil 125 1358792225 Empire #11 Jackos 21
Cells 122 56175845 Empire #3 Jackos 0
Skratch 90 15291575 I liked this show. #4 Jackos 0
Suv 86 46331564 Empire #7 Wookiees 0
Swagga 30 8281292 Empire #13 Jackos 0
soul 26 97097 Empire #18 Jackos 0
Lord Leopold Buckshot 25 11748730 Rubbin" and Tuggin' My Nips #8 Jackos 0
Ravenous 5 23856 Empire #5 Foohons 0
Admin 1 2761 Empire #0 Harks 0
hiyu 1 2761 Empire #17 Dreamweavers 0
Round # 10
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Cells 172 101736315 Empire #3 Jackos 21
Swagga 153 47203754 Da GingerBread Man #1 Jackos 0
Rotkeil 100 74843286 Empire #9 Harks 0
Skratch 99 28948005 The Good, The Bad, & The Ficus #5 Dreamweavers 0
Snpl 76 62416129 Empire #15 Jackos 0
Suvarius 52 11839899 The Good, The Bad & The Idle #13 Dreamweavers 0
ligma 12 256984 Empire #16 Dreamweavers 0
5 1 2761 Empire #17 Harks 0
Admin 1 3361 Empire #0 Dreamweavers 0
soul 1 1250 Empire #2 Dreamweavers 0
Rev 1 52742 The Good, The Bad & The Rev #7 Wookiees 0
Round # 9
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rev 149 91519804 Saving Private Rev #7 Wookiees 14
Swagga 93 20105146 The Last Samurai #1 Jackos 0
Cells 81 13323496 Empire #4 Jackos 0
Admin 71 23550504 Empire #0 Dreamweavers 0
Snpl 63 4694972 Empire #3 Manticarias 0
Ashdhddhh 48 11036063 Empire #18 Dreamweavers 0
ILikeTurtles 46 1567503 Empire #19 Foohons 0
Suvarius 41 292638 Empire #13 Dreamweavers 0
Skratch 20 228331 Narp #5 Dreamweavers 0
Hgcvbh 1 2561 Empire #14 Dreamweavers 0
Round # 8
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
David2 210 144295349 Empire #14 Dreamweavers 14
David 167 40317439 Empire #10 Jackos 0
Skratch 95 5263283 The Skratch Machine #17 Jackos 0
Swagga 93 14746699 Empire #13 Jackos 0
Cells 91 16152888 Empire #8 Jackos 0
Rev 78 65289461 Revy Chase #7 Jackos 0
Snpl 56 18582418 Empire #3 Jackos 0
Admin 1 2761 Empire #0 Spacebornes 0
Suvarius 1 1250 Empire #18 Dreamweavers 0
lsdkjgnmlkfg 1 50283 Empire #15 Dreamweavers 0
Round # 7
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rev 214 57962458 ¡Revolución! #7 Jackos 14
David 91 33949485 Empire #10 Jackos 0
Skratch 84 10226405 Nork #2 Dreamweavers 0
Raven 69 6969124 Empire #9 Jackos 0
tx55 32 9242423 Empire #5 Jackos 0
Cells 17 820350 Empire #18 Jackos 0
Admin 1 12062 Empire #0 Jackos 0
sdfqsdgqsgesd 1 2761 Empire #19 Harks 0
Who the Fool 1 1250 Empire #6 Jackos 0
Snpl 1 2761 Empire #14 Manticarias 0
Round # 6
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rev 184 47035919 Rev Dead Revdemption #17 Shootout 0
David 140 54843107 Empire #10 Shootout 0
Snpl 116 10478018 Empire #2 Shootout 0
Skratch 67 5102850 Gun Smoke #15 Shootout 0
Cells 33 1259869 Empire #7 Shootout 0
Swagga 30 1949220 Empire #13 Shootout 0
Admin 12 146328 Empire #0 Shootout 0
The Quick and The Foolish 11 61060 [ANZAC] The Storm of Fools #6 Shootout 0
Blame 1 2761 Empire #16 Shootout 0
ligma 1 5561 Empire #5 Shootout 0
Round # 5
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Rev 243 425455022 Revpire #27 JK 14
Swagga 135 11802334 Empire #13 DW 0
David 133 77716360 Empire #14 JK 0
Cells 91 55582453 Empire #22 JK 0
Snpl 88 31382536 Empire #9 MT 0
Skratch 86 14341126 Skratch 2024 #2 DW 0
Teetee 65 27941425 Empire #5 JK 0
Svlad 49 2963057 Empire #16 JK 0
loonix 39 158034 Empire #1 JK 0
Admin 14 3230681 Empire #0 SB 0
Blame 1 39931 Empire #17 DW 0
Round # 4
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Cattack 357 795468464 Empire #9 Wookiees 14
Skratch 155 53956438 Schmempire? #24 Dreamweavers 0
Rev 133 181063431 EmpiRev #27 Manticarias 0
Cells 132 102411364 Empire #10 Dreamweavers 0
Admin 90 3875247915 Empire #0 Jackos 0
Swagga 83 11045701 Empire #1 Jackos 0
snpl 81 25019489 Empire #23 Foohons 0
Blame 74 126608152 Empire #12 Jackos 0
HoratioNelson 32 14196861 Coffee Shop Twitter Warriors #19 Jackos 0
Round # 3
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Soduh 258 928079353 Empire #28 Dreamweavers 13
Doom 103 96683557 Rule Britannia #3 Foohons 0
Sweet 99 25351808 Empire #4 Foohons 0
Cells 91 51855112 Empire #7 Dreamweavers 0
Skratch 74 10004300 Itch #8 Dreamweavers 0
Admin 71 1346395876 Empire #0 Manticarias 0
Dingleberry 35 1742740 Empire #2 Spacebornes 0
Snpl 1 1250 Empire #6 Foohons 0
exceed 1 2793 Empire #5 Harks 0
Rev 1 1250 Empire #16 Manticarias 0
Round # 2
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
FuriousFruit 406 328778671 Empire #13 Foohons 14
Skratch 236 56111924 The Skratch Machine #45 Dreamweavers 0
Blastomia 172 13302267 Empire #49 Foohons 0
Spaceterrier 121 23749793 Soylent Green #38 Foohons 0
Swagga 106 7727943 Empire #18 Harks 0
Schnoip 89 38168167 Froody Froods #34 Spacebornes 0
WhoFlungDung 87 25871925 Lebensraum! #25 Wookiees 0
Enola 62 10614301 Empire #47 Dreamweavers 0
Hello 52 5530481 Empire #41 Dreamweavers 0
Jets 47 4706818 Empire #12 Dreamweavers 0
Admin 33 29587609 Empire #0 Spacebornes 0
GxReborn 11 11365 Empire #39 Spacebornes 0
Blame 5 201653 Empire #24 Foohons 0
David 1 2793 Empire #35 Harks 0
Round # 1
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
Skratch 5 4473 Empire #31 Dreamweavers 0
sCriv 1 2432 Empire #49 Dreamweavers 0
GreenPlastic 1 2432 Empire #41 Foohons 0
Admin 1 2432 Empire #0 Foohons 0
Cells 1 2432 Empire #16 Foohons 0
Swagga 1 2432 Empire #30 Harks 0
skankhunt42 1 2392 Empire #2 Manticarias 0
The Quick Fool 1 2432 Empire #1 Harks 0
GxReborn 1 2432 Empire #5 Spacebornes 0
Aldon 1 2432 Empire #20 Wookiees 0
soul 1 2432 Empire #24 Dreamweavers 0
Schnoip 1 1899 Empire #5 Spacebornes 0
Spaceterrier 1 2432 Empire #38 Foohons 0
Round # 0
Name Planets Networth Empire Race Artefacts
WhoFlungDung 254 94396475 Booze = Good #5 Foohons 13
Aldon 165 36055213 Six Wings #6 Wookiees 0
Ashamirre 163 14827220 Holland #11 Spacebornes 0
sCriv 148 48029608 Booze = Good #5 Dreamweavers 13
Spaceterrier 138 4420666 GDR #14 Spacebornes 0
Snpl 129 9861847 GDR #14 Wookiees 0
The_Unknown 116 5245034 Booze = Good #5 Foohons 13
X 114 9637050 GET OFF ME #9 Harks 0
Crow 104 2469814 GDR #14 Harks 0
Blastomia 101 4580670 Empire #7 Foohons 0
soul 98 12373783 soul destroyer #8 Spacebornes 0
Dukey 98 11417985 GhostShips #3 Dreamweavers 0
Skratch 97 17126290 The_Unknown destroyers #10 Dreamweavers 0
TheBigOne 90 4315576 GhostShips #3 Wookiees 0
yonkeltron 83 666323 The_Unknown destroyers #10 Harks 0
Drones 70 2597395 Take it easy on my …. #2 Foohons 0
Blame 60 30388237 Empire #12 Dreamweavers 0
Retorica 58 4121649 GhostShips #3 Harks 0
You_Fool 51 724845 [ANZAC] Fire and Blood #1 Harks 0
Ordos, the mighty Hollander 30 322512 Holland #11 Spacebornes 0
GxReborn 27 226771 The_Unknown destroyers #10 Dreamweavers 0
Raver 26 120312 Six Wings #6 Harks 0
I AM THE ONE 24 340975 GET OFF ME #9 Dreamweavers 0
APunyPenguin 11 70139 soul destroyer #8 Harks 0
NaoLynx 4 20908 Empire #4 Dreamweavers 0
Zozferatu 1 2793 Holland #11 Wookiees 0
Hoff 1 2793 Take it easy on my …. #2 Wookiees 0
Pickle Army 1 2793 Empire #4 Dreamweavers 0
paperav 1 2793 Take it easy on my …. #2 Harks 0
Darrk 1 2913 [ANZAC] Fire and Blood #1 Spacebornes 0
King 1 2793 Empire #12 Wookiees 0
8 1 2793 Empire #13 Harks 0
Admin 1 4418 Empire #0 Foohons 0