Search Function

Enter the following in the search box to get a specific result:

To find an empire
Specify the family number in the search field, as 67 or #89.

To find a system
Enter the system coordinates in the format x,y, as 31,47.

To find a planet
Enter the planet coordinates in the format x,y:z, as 135,159:5.

To see a map sector
To zoom on a specific area on the map, enter coordinates in the format !x,y, as !18,150.

To search a faction name
To search a faction from its name, enter the partial or full name, it is not case sensitive.

To find a faction
Enter the empire ID number in the format @ID, as @108.

To attack a planet
Enter the planet coordinates in the format &x,y:z, as &90,85:11.

To perform a special operation on a planet
Enter the planet coordinates in the format *x,y:z, as *173,34:9.