Beta 4

Family Rankings by size

Rank Name Networth Planets
1 Blow Us Where the Pampers Is! #21 34475375 1202
2 Stay away! #17 70104919 1102
3 Shadow Empire #15 28734795 1024
4 Devils Minions #12 25020557 884
5 TOTAL DESTRUCTION #14 20523304 784
6 The Empire #23 22051961 691
7 ™ Your Planets Belong To Us ™ #1 18746173 652
8 Space Invaders #10 14994151 571
9 "Tiesto is a god, psy", "Yeah Right GoD Is A Gabber ,Butcher". #24 17151468 493
10 Fighting Tigers, Roaring Dragons #7 5187026 429
11 Take Down of the Best #9 7859292 411
12 TheNoblemen-The Power of the Upper Class*** #33 5214396 362
13 The Beta Bangers #8 6598321 336
14 Magic: The Gathering #2 5901558 336
15 ppp Lord jouke aapjes NC962VIII dictator remco C1000 hylians C #25 8436670 330
16 Serventium Armorum #13 6504240 330
17 PIE MUNCHERS #0 5906742 323
18 [insert funny name here] #18 5783546 321
19 Dj`S fRoM tHe ToP #16 8025323 288
20 DAMAGE INC. #29 4611600 253
21 Invisible Invaders #20 3777591 194
22 ViVa El ReVoLuTiOn!!!! #5 3404553 189
23 wand of negation #4 2787517 175
24 Killa Bitchs #19 2837348 152
25 dead or alive #3 2237888 127
26 MINORITY #27 1917259 124
27 Family #30 3675344 123
28 One man army #31 1933150 121
29 Salvation Army #28 1036091 77
30 The Dawn of A New Era #22 979127 73
31 the saddam gang #6 348793 31
32 oh my god! #11 63422 20
33 Celestial Rangers #26 301992 15
34 Family #32 35048 12
35 GateKeepers #34 5840 2