
Received messages - Sent messages - Write a message

The in-game messaging system works more or less the same way as your e-mail. When you click on message on your sidebar the screen you will be brought to is the "Received Messages" screen. You can also come to this page by clicking the left-most button on the top panel. If you have any new messages that button will become blue.

When you access messages and come to received messages page there will be a list of all the messages you have received:

From : Family Leader of empire 4 Delete
Received : Week 12, Year 18 - 23:06:59, Feb 16 2003 Reply
Good job there

From : Family Member of empire 4 Delete
Received : Week 12, Year 18 - 23:02:12, Feb 16 2003 Reply
Hey i'm new to the fam, mind helping me out a bit.

You have an option to reply to the messages or to delete that message.


There is also a "Sent Messages" screen, which is pretty much identical to the "Received Messages" except it shows the messages which you sent out.


Finally in "Write a message" you can write a new message to anyone in the galaxy you want, as long as you know their ID or exact spelling of their faction name.

To specify the faction to send the message to, enter either the exact empire name or the user ID.
