Leader Options (Available for empire leaders only)

Empire name - change your Empire name here

Empire picture - you must upload empire picture from your hard drive. To do that if u are taking picture off the
internet you must first save it on the hard drive and then upload it from there.
Note : Empire picture uploading is still experimental, please report any problems.

Set a empire member status
Vice-leaders can edit and delete posts in the forum.
Empires marked independent aren't allowed to read the empire forum, and can lose their home planet.

Empire password - Leaders can set empire password so that unwanted factions can't join and people who are
joining random empires won't be put in that empire.
The empire password is required for factions to join the empire. Leave the field blank to let anyone join.

Offer an alliance to a empire
Empire relations

No relations
Offer an alliance to a certain empire
Note: you can only ally with 1 empire

Declare war to a empire
Declare war on certain empire
Leader message - This message will appear in the HQ under the faction information

Relations message - This message appears in relations page. Useful for telling which empires not to attack and so on.